What should I do if my period is…

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What should I do if my period is 10 days late?

There are a variety of health-related reasons why your period may be delayed. Unpredictable periods around menarche and menopause are common and expected. If you have had unprotected sex and it has been for 10 days or longer, you should take a pregnancy test and consult a health care provider, regardless of the result.

How do I check my cervix at home?

The Traditional Way
Wash your hands thoroughly. You don’t want to accidentally introduce new bacteria into the vaginal canal, which may increase the risk of infection. …
Assume the position. …
Insert your index and middle fingers and keep them as far away as possible May push deeply into the cervix. …
Assess dilation.

Can brown menstrual blood mean pregnancy?

Pink or brown discharge or spotting before your period can be an early sign of pregnancy. Not every pregnant woman will experience this symptom, but some people do. This discharge is caused by the fertilized egg burrowing into the Caused by implantation bleeding that occurs in the endometrium.

What color of discharge indicates pregnancy?

Increased vaginal discharge, which is usually white (like cheese) and usually odorless.

Do you urinate a lot during your period?

Increased frequency of urination: If women are pregnant or about to have their period, they may need to urinate more frequently. Breast tenderness and tenderness: Breast tenderness, tenderness, swelling, or enlargement may occur early in pregnancy and before menstruation.

Does feeling my cervix mean I’m pregnant?

Feeling your cervix can provide clues about early pregnancy, but it is not a reliable way to detect pregnancy. Cervical changes can be subtle, and not all women are familiar enough with their cervix to notice these changes. The only way to check for pregnancy is The sure way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test.

How many days am I pregnant?

Most pregnancies last about 40 weeks (or 38 weeks from conception), so usually the best way to estimate your due date is 40 weeks or 280 days from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). You can also start with your last menstrual period (LMP). Subtract three months from the first day of menstruation and add 7 days.

What does it feel like to be 2 weeks pregnant?

You may feel brief lower abdomen pain. This is known as Mittelschmerz, a slight, one-sided ache or twinge in the pelvis caused by the release of the egg during ovulation. At two weeks pregnant, your belly won’t show any signs of a bump yet, although you may feel a little more gassy or bloated than usual.子宮纖維瘤

Where does the belly hurt in early pregnancy?

ligament pain (often called "growing pains" as the ligaments stretch to support your growing bump) – this can feel like a sharp cramp on one side of your lower tummy.月經推遲

Can I not show my face even though I am 5 months pregnant?

Research shows that about 1 in 475 pregnancies go unnoticed until around 20 weeks into pregnancy. About 1 in 2,500 pregnancies go unnoticed until delivery.