Will I be able to speak Chinese …

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Will I be able to speak Chinese fluently after three months?

It is difficult to maintain a high concentration of study for a long time, but most people do find that three months or so is the right time to study Chinese intensively.学习中文

Which country ranks first in mathematics?

Top 10 countries in mathematics (by number of top 1000 top mathematical scientists): USA – 458 (45.8%) UK – 63 (6.3%) Germany – 60 (6.0%)

Which country students study the most?

The following countries remain top picks:
United States of America. According to a report by
Open Doors 2022, the number of Indian students studying in the U.S. will surge by nearly 20% in the 2021-2022 academic year

Can I learn Chinese in 3 months?

With the right work and attitude, you can make huge strides in learning Chinese in three months. If conversing in Mandarin is your number one goal, you can achieve it in as little as three months of study, even if you’re starting from scratch .

Why are Asians good at math?

During these two seconds, it is easiest for us to remember what we can say or read. And Chinese speakers can say 4, 8, 5, 3, 9, 7, 6 correctly almost every time A list of digits because, unlike English, their language allows them to put all seven of these digits in two seconds. Chinese numerals are very short.

What does Ganxie mean?

I feel grateful A third common channel is to say [I feel grateful” thanks to [ganxie] (感gan in this text means [feeling”.wukong education

How many hours do you study Chinese?

Later in the evening, they will spend another two hours doing homework. So overall, most children in China spend 77 hours a week studying – a finding that would put lawyers and investment bankers to shame .

How long does it take to get to C1 Chinese?

This is ILR 1+/2. Estimated time to get there is about 200 to 400 hours (bottom of A2 to top of B1) or above beginner/below intermediate [working knowledge]. Higher levels of fluency — from top of B2 (intermediate Above) to C1 (Advanced/Operational Proficiency) (ILR 2+ to 3+) is said to take 550 to 900 hours.

How to speak fluent Chinese?

Tips for speaking Chinese fluently
Take a Chinese class. Never doubt the power of a good teacher and a regular Chinese class
Find a (unilateral) language partner. Don’t fall into the trap of language exchange
Take Notes
Stay Consistent
Don’t Give Up

What is the most difficult language to learn?

Mandarin Chinese From many sources, Mandarin Chinese is one of the most difficult languages to learn. The Foreign Language Center of the National Defense Language Institute ranks Mandarin as the fourth category, which is the most difficult language for English speakers to learn.wukong class